Game Audience Profiles
Get the audience profiles of gamers from specific games, franchises, genres, or gaming motivations.

Gamers are not a monolithic group.
We have the data to help you explore the audiences of different games.
Audience Profiles
We have data on more than 1,500 game titles. For each of these games, we can generate a demographic and motivation profile comparing that game’s audience to the baseline, along with the ranked list of games also popular with this audience.
We can also generate audience profiles for a game franchise, a game genre, a list of specific games, or for players with a specific primary motivation (or combination of primary motivations).
Proximity Mapping
By using the audience profile metrics, we can calculate and visualize the distances between multiple games. In the proximity map to the right, games with more similar audiences are closer together.
Use the proximity maps to explore the variation and potential game clusters in a genre, or use the maps to find the games with the most similar audiences to a specific game.
Here’s How The Audience Profiles Can Help You