Game Recommender Engine: Version Notes

v 1.2 (January 20th, 2016)

  • Updated algorithm based on larger data set (over 140,000 gamers worldwide). This makes it far easier to surface less well-known game titles due to the sampling stability. Overall recommendation quality should improve noticeably.
  • Users can select the “Niche Games” option to further surface less well-known titles.

v 1.1 (October 22th, 2015)

  • Added date filter based on feedback that it wasn’t helpful to see old games or discontinued MMOs in the recommendations. Users are now able to apply a date filter to the results.
  • Added a platform filter based on feedback that it wasn’t helpful to see game recommendations on platforms that a user didn’t own. Users are now able to select one or more platforms as a filter to the recommendations list.
  • Set recommendations default to “Past 5 Years” filter. Thus, older games do not appear on the list by default but can be shown if the user selects a longer time frame in the filter options.

v 1.0 (October 19th, 2015)

  • Initial release of the Game Recommender Engine. See blog post for additional implementation details.