17 02, 2016

In Open World Games, Most Players Balance Exploration with Completing Campaign. Those Who Prioritize Campaign Are Younger.

By |2016-10-17T20:02:33-07:00February 17th, 2016|Survey Findings, Video Games|5 Comments

Although gamers are often lumped together as “people who enjoy playing videogames”, there is often a lot of variability in the types of things people like to do while playing. Most have a preferred genre, and even within genres a preferred style of play. How We're Playing Fallout 4 Take Fallout 4 for example, a [...]

10 02, 2016

As Gamers Age, The Appeal of Competition Drops The Most. Strategy is The Most Age-Stable Motivation.

By |2016-10-17T20:02:33-07:00February 10th, 2016|Analytics, Video Games|81 Comments

When I first started running large online surveys of gamers in the days of EverQuest, I was a 20-year-old undergrad psych major. I remember looking at the age distribution of those online gamers where about 20-30% were over the age of 30 (and a fair number above 40), and thinking to myself, wow those gamers [...]

2 02, 2016

In FPS Games, Women Prefer Long-Range Stealth, Younger Gamers Prefer Run-and-Gun

By |2016-10-17T20:02:33-07:00February 2nd, 2016|Survey Findings, Video Games|10 Comments

In our last blog post, we created a map of the Strategy game genre to explore how gamers’ preferences for Excitement or Strategy can influence the types of strategy games they are likely to play. But gaming motivations not only impact genre preference, they also impact playstyle within game genres. Leeroooooooy Jenkins! The infamous Leeroy [...]

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